This file simulates a file of cipher problems. The ciphertext for each problem should begin and end with a slash /. The ciphertext can be retrieved by supplying some identifying information. This will usually be the cipher problem number. For the cipher exchange this is typically the string "E-" followed immediately by the number. The rule is this: The GetCt$() function searches the file until it finds the first occurrence of the id string. The id string can occur anywhere in a line, but the string must match exactly. The id string "x-4" will not match problem X-4. The function continues to read the file until it finds a slash /. It then extracts the ciphertext until it finds another slash. E-25. Quagmire IV. Festivity. OOBOO /EEAHB LNWOX AMCJR PMKJN KMLAS YIPLH CQDLO OFTBA AKTPK UBHNP UPNVD YRPMM DVUYU DYNLK LHNEN VNXEB OHBHT CWOBQ DWWAM KONKH NXAPE XAEAJ NBJIY JWRNG JZHAA WFVBR TTDGW RUEAY APSPS YIIAG AXRMA CCHFP BPSYG H/ Imagine some other problems have been added here.